BEST Tokyo Cooking Class (the "Company") requires prepayment to confirm your reservation.
The Company reserves the right to cancel or change a confirmed class. In this case, you will receive a full refund of the cost of services paid.

By providing us with the email addresses of participants, you are giving us permission to send review requests and emails to those email addresses.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Cancellations made 10 or more days prior to the reservation date will receive a full refund minus a 3.2% handling fee. If cancelled 9 or less days prior to the reservation date, payment will not be refunded.

Late Arrival

All guests are expected to arrive on time within 10 minutes of the scheduled meeting time; if you are more than 10 minutes late, please notify us by email at <>. If you do not contact us and we are unable to reach you, you will be considered to have cancelled one hour after the scheduled start time.


The Company cannot take responsibility for any loss, injury or damage to you or your property. If you are traveling with children under the age of 15, you have take responsibility for the safety of your children.

Thank you for your understanding.